12 Hours of Sebring 2013 – Le Mans


I’ve been putting off and putting off posting up photos from my experience at The 12 Hours of Sebring this year.
Mostly because my photos were so screwed up that I simply didn’t (and still don’t) want to edit the majority of them… I’m guessing that many of you read my blog post titled: “My New, Damaged, Canon 1D-X. And Canon USA’s refusal to help” If not, click the link and you’ll immediately see why I haven’t edited much from that trip. And you read the whole thing it will be sure to piss you off at the lack of customer service I dealt with.

However, now that we’re approaching the THIRD Le Mans race of the 2013 season, I wanted to share my images from Florida before people simply didn’t care anymore… if they don’t already. Haha!

My original plan at Sebring was to freelance and attempt to sell my services to various teams at the race that weekend. But that hope was dashed as soon as it was clear my camera was damaged and all my photos would require serious editing.

I did do a bit of work for John Edwards Racing though. So, my focus was the M-Power BMW you see up top.

Go ahead and click the break for a large assortment of shots from Sebring. The majority will be dusk and night photos since those are the images I was able to edit quickly and without much editing because the damage to the sensor was not visible as wide-open apertures.


I’m currently on my way to Atlanta for Formula Drift this weekend and not Monterey for Le Mans. So, this is very likely my only American Le Mans Series post of the year unfortunately.

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Sarah and Ernesto’s San Ramon Wedding Weekend


Another pair of high school friends are now married, making me feel that much older. Haha!

Last weekend I spent with the Randle and Villarreal families for Sarah and Ernesto’s wedding in San Ramon, Calif. I’ve known Ernesto since elementary school – and we played sports together in Jr. High and High School. Sarah I don’t think I met until High School. However they’re part of the circle of friends my younger sister has known through school and college, so I grew up around all of them to some degree.

Last year Ernesto and Sarah contacted me about shooting their engagement photos during one of my trips the Bay Area. We had went out to Mountain View and spent a few hours together shooting and catching up a bit on life. Shortly after they discussed the possibility of me also shooting their wedding.
But when it came time for their big weekend last Saturday I finally had more time to catch up and hear about how they’ve been the last, well, many years.

I had a blast at the wedding – which I fully expected that I would. I knew several people that were guests, and a few of them I’ve shot for in the past. What made it even more fun was seeing and hearing the little things that Sarah and Ernesto did for their wedding to make it fun and meaningful to them. And even though Sarah joked with me many times that she hates being the center of attention, she definitely seemed to have fun and pretty easily ignored me pointing a camera at her all weekend! Plus it helps that Ernesto has no problem being the center of attention if needed. lol!

The weekend started out with the rehearsal in the afternoon at the San Ramon Golf Club where they would be having the ceremony at. It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend – which was a welcomed change from the cooler overcast weather the Bay Area had been getting. The pastor who would be performing the ceremony was a wonderful guy named Steve who I had met last year at the Rowe wedding. After a couple run-throughs of how the ceremony would go down on Saturday everyone headed back to the South Bay where we would all meet up that evening at the Randle house for dinner to celebrate with everyone. I was able to squeeze in a quick stop on my way home to see my brother-in-law and my niece, which was nice since I don’t see them as often as I’d like to.

The next day started in the afternoon for me. I met up with the ladies as they were starting their hair and makeup. All the girls were surprisingly chill and relaxed – usually it seems like wedding parties are a bitttt more anxious. But, all the girls were just hanging out talking about stories of their bachelorette weekend trip or catching up with those who hadn’t seen each other in a while.

The ceremony later that afternoon was beautiful. It was sunny, warm, and just breezy enough to not being annoying but also keep it cool enough that the everyone was comfortable in their dresses and suits. Ernesto and Sarah opted to do a first-look to be able have their own moment with one another as they saw each other for the first time; we were also able to take some photos of everyone before things started.

I’m going to just stop here and leave the rest for the captions about different parts of the weekend. Below the break you’ll find over 250 photos of my time with the Randle and Villarreal families. I had a great time and it was really cool to be part of another pair of friend’s wedding. I’ve had the pleasure of shooting for several old friends and it’s always sweet when they’re equally excited to have me as part of their wedding.

So, read on! And enjoy the rest of the photos from Sarah and Ernesto’s wedding..

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Portrait shots of Vaughn Gittin Jr, Chris Forberg, Ryan Tuerck, and Bil Baldwin


When I’m asked what I like shooting most of all my answer would be portraits. Which is saying a lot because I have the opportunity to shoot a LOT of different things from models to racing to weddings.
And while all those other things are a lot of fun, coming back around to portraits is where I always end up. It’s wonderfully simple an they’re WAY more interesting than a racecar on a track I feel like.

The Formula Drift season just kicked off for 2013 – and I’m sure many of you likely saw my blog post earlier this week about it. And during Round 1: Long Beach, I was on assignment from K&N Filters and AEM Intakes. One of the things I was required to shoot was headshots of various drivers that they sponsor. I immediately thought “Awesome! Now I HAVE to get photos with three of the busiest drivers at the track: Vaughn Gittin Jr., Ryan Tuerck, and Chris Forberg.
Now I’m not saying these guys won’t give you the time of day – that couldn’t be further from the truth. However as a photographer for one of their sponsors it’s much easier to get a few minutes of their time set aside specifically for you to photograph them.

Each of my portraits of these drivers only took me about 5 minutes to create. So long as I have nearly all my camera settings dialed than it’s just a matter of lighting being balanced, a few test shots, and a couple “real ones” where my subject can smile or do whatever they like…. then I’m done. Out of their hair AND I have both headshots for my clients along with an image and I can edit into the portraits you see above.

I also met and photographed Bil “The Bearded Man of Drift” Baldwin, who’s become a bit of a legend in the Drift world. I actually had heard of him through a friend of mine that knows of Bil from the “Beard Life” community, haha!

Me and Bil, right after his portrait the morning of the race!

Anyway, click past the break for the portraits I created of Vaughn, Ryan, Chris and Bil – along with some Behind the Scenes that my buddy Rex shot while I was working with Vaughn!

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Formula Drift, Round 1, Long Beach 2013


Three incredible drivers took the podium at Formula Drift Long Beach this past weekend.
Daijiro “Dai” Yoshihara , Vaughn Gittin Jr., and Chris Forsberg took first, second and third respectively. And despite the dreary weather it was an awesome race weekend – but I do feel bad for poor Randyl Dawn who was stuck standing in the middle fo this champagne fight… she ran away shortly after this photo. haha!

I was out at Drift this past weekend shooting for my old employer, K&N Filters. Some of you who have been following my work for several years remember when I was on staff for K&N Filters and AEM Intakes. It actually wasn’t all that long ago – about three years. While on staff with them these were some of the guys I had to focus on the majority of the time I was at the track.
Well, on a whim I randomly hit up my old boss to see if they were in need of coverage for Long Beach. I’ll be working for Falken Tire on part of the season for Drift this year, however for the season opener at Long Beach I was not yet booked. Turns out my timing was perfect since K&N was just looking at what their options were for Long Beach images. And with Vaughn having a new tire sponsor, new livery on his Mustang, and new logos on his race suit, K&N definitely needed photos and headshots.

Perfect! I was now booked for the weekend, and I already had a good idea of the types of shots that K&N would be looking for.

But I was most looking forward to the headshots I was going to be required to shoot…


Portraits! This was an awesome opportunity to create portraits of some of the drivers for Formula Drift! And, of course, Bil Baldwin “The Bearded Man of Drift”! But, I’ll post that in a couple days in a new blog post. I have additional photos of the portraits and a couple BTS shots to share too. I rather that be it’s own post.

So we’re going to keep this post simple… Just a ton of photos, and a few captions here and there for good measure.
But keep in mind I was shooting for photos to be used in magazine ads (like this), so, they’re fairly cut and dry. Not as “artsy” as I might get with my Le Mans work. haha Specific clients need specific things.

Click to read on!

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My new, damaged, Canon 1D-X and Canon USA’s refusal to help


Horrible, isn’t it?

Not the photo itself, I’m actually quite happy with this image of John Edwards tearing through Turn 7 at Sebring International Raceway during the 12 Hours of Le Mans season opener last month.
No, I mean the absolutely filthy sensor in my BRAND NEW Canon 1D-X. It’s horrible. This photo is useless without a good 20-30minutes of clean up in Photoshop.

Before I go into details about the camera and the complete lack of help from Canon USA, I’ll fill you in a little about myself. I have a feeling some of you aren’t familiar with my work. I’m a photographer based in Southern California, a large portion of my work and income is from professional racing and autosports. One of my largest clients the last couple years has been Falken Tire. Last year I handled half the Le Mans series for them, their Off Road ad campaign, Monster Energy Supercross, and their 2012 promotional model photography.


Anyway, last year when the new Canon 1D-X was announced in February I decided to go ahead and pre-order it since I would be doing quite a bit more race photography than usual. I have shot Canon gear since I started on DSLRs back in college. I own several cameras and many lenses and Speedlites. The DX seemed like a logical, albeit very expensive, upgrade for me and my work.
My workhorse the last few years has been my 5D2, and I wasn’t impressed enough with the 5D3 to upgrade to that model. However, I was ready to retire my 1D-3 for the X because of the sensor, processors and focus system. But, as many of us pros soon realized, we would not be getting our pre-ordered X’s any time soon because of the Olympics. I finally cancelled my pre-order at the end of August because the racing seasons were done and pre-orders were still not yet being filled. I told myself I would wait til the ’13 race seasons kicked off and spend the money at that time.
Fast forward to February of this year. I decided to go ahead and order the DX even though my race schedules for ’13 seasons were not yet confirmed. I two-day-aired a camera from B&H Photo in New York to my home here in SoCal so I would have it in time for the Sebring race.


So I was packed up and ready for Sebring. I eventually decided not to carry my 1D-3 out to Florida – boy did I regret NOT having my perfectly good 1D-3 a few days later.

  • Day 1 – Not realizing I even had a problem

Now, I didn’t check my new DX when it arrived three days before I flew to Florida. That was a mistake. I assumed that a brand new, $7,000 camera would be perfectly clean and in good working order – and I had other things to take care of since I was going to be in Florida for a week to see friends while in town, too.

I arrived in Sebring on Thursday and was busy most of the afternoon taking care of my hard card photo credential and attending the required photographer meeting. All stuff I’m used to doing and a totally normal start to a race weekend. At one point before the photographer meeting I wandered over to one of the turns that had closer access than normal and didn’t require a media vest (I did have my hard card however, so that allowed me into that area).


Now this photo isn’t anything amazing. But it’s a GREAT example of the problems I noticed with my camera. This is photo “JRX_0026”. That means it’s the 26th image I shot with my DX. The first dozen or so were just images around the paddocks. As I said, I wandered out to the track and started playing around with the settings on my DX before the meeting. Now, the auto focus system and interface is completely different than my 1D-3 and my 5D-2, so, excuse the bad shot. This is straight from camera as well. No processing since I wanted to show the dirtiness of the sensor.

The red circles are spots that you can see on the full res image in Lightroom, however they weren’t visible on the camera screen.

I didn’t actually notice this too much until later that afternoon. The first dozen shots in the paddocks were all shot around f/3.5 or so. It wasn’t until later (maybe photo number 200) when I was shooting at f/22 and doing 1/20 second pans that I realized my NEW sensor was dirty. Even in the image above it’s hard to tell unless you’re looking at it full res on your computer screen. only a couple of the specs were noticeable to me at that point.

Later that evening was night practice. And, of course, you can’t see any problems on those images since they’re all shot at f/2.8


At this point, Thursday night, I was unaware there was any problem whatsoever with my camera. The few specs I could visibly see on the camera screen (the two at the nose of the Ferrari in the image above) I just figured were on my lens and cleaned my lenses that night at the hotel.

  • Day 2 – Realizing how screwed I actually was. 

The second day at the track I arrived late, missing the morning practice.
So, when I did arrive around 11a I made my way out to Turn 7 since it was close to the parking lot and I only had a bit longer with the GT practice.
This is when I realized that my camera was going to need to be cleaned… after being a week old, with only 1k on the shutter.


I’ve significantly increased the contrast on this image so you can see all the dust/specs on the image. Look at the both the track and sky. This is shot at f/22, ISO100, 1/30 handheld.
Part of me was STILL thinking “How the HELL are my lenses this filthy?! I clean all my gear before any gig AND I double checked it last night”. I was still naive enough to think it was a lens problem. If your gear suddenly starts having problems like never before, it’s likely the new piece you added, not your existing gear. Obviously. haha.

Here’s a better easier-to-understand screen grab from Lightroom that afternoon when I got back to the media room…


Those are all the dust removal points I had entered before pulling into Photoshop… Once in PS I still had to remove a number of spots that were in areas too tricky for the LR dust removal and needed cloning to take out.

I’m sorry, but this is just bullshit.

You can imagine how pissed off I was sitting in the media room realizing all my photos I shot were useless. I actually cut shooting that practice short because these were totally noticeable on the camera screen. Today was a bright, hot, sunny day – unlike the afternoon before  – and the sensor damage was very apparent.
Well, I had cleaning swabs with me and decided that I would have to clean my new camera back in the media room.

I used three swabs that didn’t appear to help much at all.
I saved my final one for the next day since Friday was now pretty much over and I was just going to try and get some portraits of the Falken Tire drivers who I know since I wanted to create nice portrait shots of them at the track. My camera issue would have to wait til later and I knew portraits at f/2 wouldn’t be a problem.

  • So I call Canon Support

I called Canon support that afternoon to talk to someone and find out if there is a Canon certified repair center in Orlando, Florida – I knew there wasn’t, but I wanted to call anyway and discuss the whole issue with someone at the company.
I explained the issue, that the camera was brand new. The man on the phone pulled up my Canon account and saw all my gear registered, including my new DX. He explained what I already knew, that the closest Canon service center was in the New England area and nowhere near Florida. I said I would just take it into the Irvine center the following week since I live in SoCal.
I was told that because my camera was a week old it was still under warranty and they would take care of repairs needed.

On race day I tried to still use my camera a little bit. I was there working. I HAD to take photos at this race.


  • Nope. Camera is still pretty useless.

This is the photo from the top of this post. Contrast increased so you can see more of the sensor damage.
I went back to the media center and used my very last cleaning swab to try and clear whatever the hell this was on the sensor off… it didn’t work, of course.

So at this point I’m basically screwed. I used my 5D2 for mayyyybe 20 minutes before I decided there was no way I was going to get the images I needed for my client with just a 5D… that focus system isn’t enough for racing. Ha.

I spent at least an hour here at the track that afternoon… may as well take a nap since my sports camera is useless…

Once dusk set that evening I was able to open up to f/11 and wider where the dust was not as much of an issue.


I don’t think I’ve ever kept my camera at ISO50 so late into the evening hours. However, it was the only way to allow me to shoot wider than f/11 sooner in the evening than usual.

  • Canon basically blows me off once I’m back in California

Here’s when things really took a turn for the worst for me…. when I returned to California.

My last night in Florida was about three hours long. I had to get up around 430a to leave for the airport and have time to return my rental car and make my 7a flight. After landing in San Diego, I picked up my car, repacked my things and started my drive to Vegas where I had work the next couple days.
I stopped in Irvine at the Canon Service Center and their headquarters, ready to leave my camera for the week if needed…

I explained the issue to the girl behind the desk. There was only one other person in there that afternoon being helped, so, at least I didn’t feel rushed. It was also 5:15 and they close at 6p. So, I was likely one of the last people of the day.
I told her that the camera was brand new and that the sensor seemed to have arrived filthy, that I would like it cleaned and checked. I told her I spoke to someone on the phone and they said to bring it in and it would be serviced.
She asked to see my invoice… I asked what she meant, and she said she needed to see an invoice for the camera purchase with my name on it as proof that I bought and own the camera. This surprised me a little since I’ve never been asked to prove that gear I’m bringing in for service is actually mine however this was a warranty issue so I understood. I pulled up my Gmail account on my phone and showed her the receipt of sale from B&H Photo that was dated approximately 10 days before that afternoon’s date.

To be honest I was a little put off by her reaction to having to read an email on my phone – even though she had just said that it was acceptable proof of purchase.
Says right there… John Remus Photography… B&H Photo… $6,820….

At this point she looks at the camera sensor herself.
I wish I had a photo of the sensor – it was visibly dirty when being held in front of you.

“What did you use to clean this?” – her
“Standard sensor cleaning swabs… normal ones…” -me
“Well, you’re actually not supposed to clean this sensor yourself.” -her
“You’re not supposed to clean the DX sensor yourself. It’s too delicate and you’re supposed to send it into Canon to clean. We use a no-liquid type of cleaning to clean the DX sensor…” -her

Ok, small mini-rant here as a professional photographer: If you are selling SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLAR CAMERAS that experienced professionals ARE NOT supposed to clean themselves… you MIGHT want to let said camera owners know about such a requirement.
There was no big-ass note card in the box saying “Warning: Do NOT attempt to clean sensor with cleaning swabs. Send to Canon facility ONLY”. Honestly, I found that comment on her part to be extremely convenient for Canon. As in “Oh, you tried to clean this camera just like the other three DSLRs you own? Yeah, we don’t want you doing that.”

Also, I actually read my camera manuals when I buy new gear. Here is the part about cleaning your DX.

Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 2.12.15 PM

That’s it. It says right there recommended not “required”.

This bit also acknowledges that the DX might get oil on the sensor from the internal moving parts of the camera – a problem you easily read many cases about by doing a quick Google search on “Dirty 1D-X sensor” or variation of the phrase.

Anyway, the girl takes my camera back to the service guys to have them take a look. I’m thinking “Great. They’re going to clean it, or worst case scenario I have to leave it here for repairs, but the guy on the phone said it would be handled under warranty.”

  • Canon says it’s not their fault, wants money

I would say about 15-20 minutes went by before the girl reappeared from the back. I immediately knew this was a bad sign when not only did it take that long, but she was still holding my camera when she returned.
The conversation that followed went something like this:

“Well, I have some bad news…” -her
“Ok….” -me
“The sensor is damaged. There is some sort of liquid damage to the outer coating. Our service guys tried to clean it off and they couldn’t. We don’t know what it is, but it’s not from the cleaning fluid (that was on the cleaning swabs).” -her
“Ok… So I need to leave it her then (for repairs)?” -me
“Well, it wouldn’t have left our facility this way, so because of that it’s not covered under warranty..” -her
“What?!! This is a brand new camera” -me
“Well it has about 4,000 clicks on the shutter” – she interupts
“Yeah, well, I told you I was at a race. I had to work. I couldn’t NOT take photos. This camera is BRAND NEW. I can go get my laptop out of the car and show you image number 10 where you can see some hints of the dots on the sensor…” -me, getting a little aggravated at Canon’s accusation that I damaged my sensor
“Oh! No! You’re right! 4,000 is NOTHING for this camera!” -she quickly acknowledged.
“But you’re saying it’s not under warranty?” -me
“Well, it wouldn’t have left our facility like this. We’re not saying you did it (the damage) but we are saying that it wouldn’t leave our facilities this way.” -her
“So what are my options? I have to pay to repair my brand new camera??!!” -me
“Well, let’s see… what’s your name? I’ll check and see what the cost is for you…” her, logging into the computer.

Now, there is a program called Canon Professional Services. Membership is free, $100/year, or $500/year depending on what level membership you want. I rarely need repairs so I have the basic (free) membership. With that comes no discount on repairs. I knew this was what she was checking to “see what it would cost me”.

  • Then I’m accused of bringing in a camera I can’t prove is mine… WTF?!

“Um, replacing the sensor would come out to $1,985.96…. ” -her
“WHAT?? Um… wow.” me, completely shocked
“Yeah, unfortunately the sensor is the most expensive part of this camera….” -her
“So, I’m expected to spend two-thousand dollars to repair a one-week old camera…” me, at this point I’m shocked that Canon seems to care less about their pro-shooters than I expected.
“Well, we don’t know that it’s just a week old….” her, seemingly accusing me of something
“What?! You don’t know?” – me, getting more annoyed
“Well are you sure it was new when you bought it?” – her, seemingly accusing me of buying used gear and trying to get it repaired
“I showed you my invoice from B&H… do you want to see it again?” me, pissed but trying to stay calm as I’m realizing there is little hope that Canon will do anything for me.
-I get kind of a blank stare from the girl-
“So you’re saying my only choice is to pay a couple grand and have it repaired?” – me
“Well, you can either leave it here to be repaired or you can take it up with B&H…” -her, brushing off a Canon problem to the retailer.
“Well in that case I’ll contact B&H and see if they’ll help me. Because I’m not paying $2,000 to repair a one-week old camera. That’s ridiculous.” -me


At this point I ended the conversation and left. But I still had a four hour drive to Las Vegas to stew about how Canon basically gave their own little Screw-You to an industry professional and said “Pay us to fix it or go bother someone else with the problem.”

  • B&H Photo pulls through where Canon blew me off

The next morning I called B&H Photo from Vegas, where I would be working on a gig the next couple days for Pabst Blue Ribbon. At least I had my 5D2 to use over the next few weeks since my DX was still useless.

I called B&H and explained everything after they pulled up my order number and asked what the problem was. I told them the issue, and my experience with Canon saying they wouldn’t help me and that I had to take it up with B&H.
B&H paused on the phone – and there was that brief moment of terror when they came back and said “Well the camera is brand new, so it should still be under warranty….”
Cue panic on my part that B&H is going to say I have to take it up with Canon…
“But, don’t worry. We’ll take care of you. I’m sending you an RMA (return authorization) to your email. Actually, I just sent it so you should already have it. Send the gear back to us and we’ll take care of you.” – B&H
“Seriously?!!! Just send it back and you guys will replace it for me?!!” -me
“As long as it’s in mint condition and has everything included, yes, we’ll take care of it” -B&H

I was SO relieved. I went on to add that I was shocked Canon basically blew me off and accused me of damaged the sensor, then accused me of “maybe not even having the camera a week. And THEN said that it wasn’t under warranty.
B&H’s service guy just goes “Well, that’s bullshit. It IS covered under warranty. But again, don’t worry about it, we’ll handle it.”

That’s all I needed.

I’m a professional photographer. My camera is how I make my money. I bought what turned out to be a damaged camera from Canon and instead of helping me Canon wanted me to pay them another $2,000 to fix something that shouldn’t have even been a problem.

B&H is the hero in this story. Instead of questioning my motives, accusing me of possible scenarios of damaging a new $7k piece of hardware, they gave me the exact answer I needed. That they would replace my faulty equipment so I can continue with my work.

I’m incredibly upset with Canon.

But Canon knows that us pros can’t just up and switch because we’re treated poorly. I have four DSLRs, a half dozen lenses, and a couple speedlites. I can’t just switch to Nikon – but believe me, I was definitely thinking “My friends at Nikon wouldn’t stand for this if I called them saying my new gear was damaged…” But companies have us by the balls once we’re invested. Sure, I could switch if I wanted to take a severe loss on selling my equipment to buy new equipment of another brand. But most of us can’t afford to do that.

  • My new DX ships out

Currently I’m waiting on my replacement DX. Because of the holiday weekend all returns for B&H were delayed. And now I should finally have my replacement camera tomorrow afternoon – just in time for the Formula Drift race this weekend in Long Beach where I’ll be shooting for my old employer K&N Filters.

  • In closing

I’m incredibly disappointed in Canon and how they would treat a professional shooter – or any customer for that matter. Does it matter that I own tens of thousands worth of Canon gear, all of which is registered to my account on their system…. no, it shouldn’t matter. But I DID think they might take me a bit more seriously than they did.
This instance has been enough for me to strongly consider Nikon and jump teams. I don’t care what gear I shoot with, I’m shooting Canon because I’m heavily invested after many years of shooting with their products. But being treated so poorly makes me not want to continue with the company. However I’m stuck for several more years after such a massive new purchase. Perhaps in a couple years during my next big upgrade I’ll look at switching.

B&H Photo will continue to receive my business. I’ve made several purchases through them over the years and bought two of my four DSLRs through them, among other gear. It is clear that they value their customers by how quickly they replaced my gear with zero accusations. I didn’t want money from Canon or B&H, I wanted a working camera. That’s not much to ask.

Now one last note: something I learned that isn’t printed anywhere and I can’t find anything online searching for it “Canon doesn’t want you to clean the DX sensor”. I think this is an excuse for them to say that any damage you might have is something they can now blame on you. If you don’t want people cleaning their cameras, you better make that VERY well known because right now it just sounds like a convenient excuse for Canon USA to place blame.

Some new portraits for the Winter…


For the most part this year has been off to a quieter start than usual for me. But, I’ve stayed busy doing occasional portraits in the mean time as usual.

Several weeks back I attended a video shoot that a few of my friends were doing in Hollywood. Originally it was planned that I would be doing much more photography than what actually ended up happening. The video crew was busy pretty much the entire day with the models, and each time I was going to do some shooting with one of the girls she was quickly pulled away for video. My favorite shot from that entire day ended up being an image of John, one of the video crew members working that day. He’s in the image above on the far left.
I also did some shooting with Marcello, the male model that was there that day. Amber was also on the shoot – who I’ve shot in the past and is one of my favorite girls I’ve worked with. Sadly I didn’t have any time to shoot with her that day though, oh well.

I also created a new, and somewhat horrifying image of myself one night around 1am when I was bored and felt like shooting something. The upside of remote shooting and plenty of equipment is that I still have myself when no one is around. Haha! Check out the resulting image…


Not bad, eh?

Anyway, click past the break for a bunch of images from the rooftop fashion shoot. And some portraits of a couple family members I’ve photographed recently, too!

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The Vaccaro-So Wedding, San Jose


I just returned from San Jose where I shot Phil and Jacque’s gorgeous January wedding.

It was a cool weekend up in the Bay Area, but the weather stayed clear and sunny long enough for the So wedding ceremony to be comfortable despite such a chilly week leading up to the event.
I’ve known Jacque years now… since high school. Actually it was after high school that her and Julia and I started hanging out more often. Up until I moved to SoCal years ago we would get together occasionally for dinner or drinks or coffee at Santana Row. So it was very flattering with Jacque got ahold of me to tell me she was engaged and interested in me shooting her wedding weekend for her.


The last time I had seen Jacque and Julia was at Satana Row, of course, when we met up briefly for dinner one night.

And now we’re just barely into January and I found myself returning back to the Bay Area after having just been in town for the holidays. The weather was freezing… literally freezing. Night time lows that week were in the mid-to-high 20’s! In the Bay Area! Friday afternoon I went out to Cinnabar Golf Course to meet up with Jacque and her family for the rehearsal. I had shot at this location about 18 months ago – so I was already familiar with the grounds and how they do their weddings. Mostly I was just there that afternoon to shoot around to get a few “practice” photos for the family to have. Rehearsal was fairly quite and most people seemed to understand it well enough. Though to be honest I think everyone was getting too cold out on the patio to admit anything if they were confused about the order of events anyway.

Afterward we all went out to dinner, courteous of Phil’s family.

The next morning started as every wedding does for me, with hanging out as the ladies all start their hair and makeup. The girls were all getting ready at the venue so that certainly made things much easier on my end. The men all arrived a few hours later and prepped in the men’s locker area themselves. For the most part the whole morning was very smooth. Although Jacque later told me, while laughing about it, that she did have her own small panicky moment that morning right before getting her dress on. But hey, she’s all married and things are fine so clearly it was all good. haha.

The ceremony was gorgeous and despite it being very chilly out later in the evening, the afternoon sun was warm enough for people throughout the vows and pictures afterwards.

I’ll save the rest of the various details for photos below.

However I do want to share something that Jacque said to me at the end of the night when things were winding down. While talking with Jacque she thanked me and said “There was no question that you were going to do my wedding photos. When I got engaged I knew it was going to be you, so, Thank You.”

Those kinds of things mean so much to hear, especially from old friends. I’ve been very lucky to shoot for several old friends over the years and to continually have others book me and be pleased with their decision is a wonderful feeling.

So, click past the break to check out just over 200 additional photos of Phil and Jacque’s wedding in San Jose. I know there are various friends and family that couldn’t make it, as well as Jacque’s brother who is currently deployed. For those that couldn’t celebrate with everyone here’s my view of the So wedding last weekend.


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Behind the Scenes on Wildpeak Ad Campaign


Blazing desert heat, cold streams, and windy mountain roads… all just part of the Falken Tire Wildpeak Off Road ad campaign I shot at the end of 2012.

Among many of the projects I was part of with Falken Tire last year one of the most fun was the Wildpeak Off Road campaign. This was a project that was planned, assembled, and shot all within a very short amount of time compared to other projects I’ve worked with Falken on. Falken’s newest tire line, Wildpeak, needed a variety of images created for upcoming ads and media in 2013. So several days were selected, along with several vehicles, to shoot many different images in different locations. I would be handling a large majority of the shooting alongside the video crew, who would be shooting for commercials at the same time.

The entire first day was spent in the desert, under the hot sun and, at times, very high winds. We had a selection of cars: Ford Raptor, Toyota FJ Cruiser, Toyota 4Runner, and the custom built Falken Jeep JK. We also had a few support vehicles with us, a Chevy Tahoe with 22’s for what would essentially be “beauty shots”, a Toyota Tacoma, our tow vehicle/rig, and a total crew of 10 people. This was not a small job by any means.

The second day was the longest by far. We were in the mountains. All. Day. But we were able to capture a ton of different images varying from water/splash photos to “climbing” photos. The video guys also did the majority of their filming the second day as well.
Day 3 was the shortest, and was cut even shorter after the first location we planned to shoot at didn’t work out.

Click below the break to read on and see over 100 images of what goes into a multi-day photoshoot of this size.

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The John Remus Photography 2012 Christmas Card


I’m a bit late on this update – seeing as how the holidays are nearly over…
But, for those of you that managed to have missed it, here’s the 2012 John Remus Photography Christmas Card!

This year there was a brief period where I was worried that the card wasn’t going to happen. I’m currently living in San Diego, not Los Angeles where I have lived the last four years. So, I was a bit further from all my model friends. But, more importantly, my main model Danielle was now living in Las Vegas.
Last year Danielle called dibs on being my model for the 2012 card. And I had planned a couple ideas around her being the center of this year’s project. However, Danielle moved to Vegas in the summer and is now a dancer in Jubilee! Which is awesome, let’s be serious. However, it meant she was quite far away from me and being able to do the card easily.

But after my initial frustration of maybe not being able to coordinate a shoot being in different cities, I talked to Danielle and we decided we needed to make it happen.
That same week I was contacted by Liz (center girl in the image above) who was on my card last year. She was having lunch that day with Amber (far left in the photo) who I had met and photographed at the Budweiser shoot I did in February. They were joking that “if I needed two more girls for my card they were available!”.
Well, I was already planning on shooting a Christmas Carol themed card, so, two more girls to round out the “three ghosts” sounded like it could be a cool idea.

Plans were made and all the girls were lined up to shoot. Danielle would still be the center focus of the card as the Ghost of Christmas Past, Liz would be the Ghost of Christmas Present, and Amber was rounding out the trio as the Ghost of Christmas Future!
And for those of you curious about how to get a butt like Danielle (cuz several have asked), she’s a dancer and climbs nearly 750 steps a day combined through all her shows… So, go find a tall building, and climb it once a day.

The hardest part of the entire card was actually figuring out how I was going to set myself up as Ebineezer Scrooge. Ultimately I decided that my costume wasn’t going to be THAT important and simply wore a robe and held a candle. Finding an old fashioned white nightgown that we all know from the old movies for that character was too much trouble and I was more interested in finishing the card than worrying about what I would be wearing in it.

All in all I’m very pleased with how this year’s card turned out. And I actually sent out nearly all 175 cards that I ordered – a 25 card increase over last year, and 50 person increase of new people after several didn’t explicitly sign up for a new card this year.

Click below the break for a few behind the scenes photos from my last big production of the year. And as January gets started I’ll be doing more work on my Ninja Turtles project with the four new models I have lined up for that! My annual end-of-the-year write up will be done in the next few days, too…

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Petit Le Mans – The ALMS Finals with Falken Tire

What an awesome year spent with Falken Tire.
The 2012 American Le Mans season was a blast! I was very lucky to be able to cover half of it for Falken Tire – in addition to many other projects that they brought me in for throughout the year. By far my favorite was ALMS, though. There is an incredible team of people out at Walker Racing that I was lucky to be welcomed in to. Through many events and long days/nights of work I also had the chance to work closely and get to know much more of the Falken Tire team, too.

The season wrapped up in Atlanta, at Petit Le Mans. Another endurance race but this time only ten hours instead of twelve like in Sebring. Haha! Even one of the managers at Falken, when he asked me the next race I’d be at and I told him “Petit”, laughed and just said “We send you to all the long ones, don’t we?”

Since it was my last race of the season I brought a bunch of gear out Road Atlanta with me. Instead of a 300mm like I had at Sebring, I brought a 400mm since this was a large track. And since there was a lot less access than at Sebring it’s a good thing that I did. I also carried a brand new Canon 1D-X with me – I was definitely excited to see how the sensor and tracking system performs over my 1D-3 that I’ve been using for years for sports.

I’m not going to go on and on about my weekend. I’ll keep it short and say that it has been a blast being part of Falken’s season and part of their team. With a bit of luck I’ll be doing some more work with them next year, but I won’t know that for sure for quite some time.
Until next race season starts up it’s going to be back to model photography and smaller projects for me! So keep checking back for updates on those – one of my next shoots is for April O’Neil and my ongoing Ninja Turtles project.

And to comment briefly on my opening image up top… I felt this was definitely a great closing image to contrast my opening image at Sebring for the season…
Here’s a comparison:

Nice, right?

Anyway.. click past the break for over 150 images of Team Falken, and several other teams/cars at Road Atlanta this past weekend.

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