Startin’ off 2011 with Sean Logan and Eric Hough

First post of the new year! And I’m startin it off with some BMX!

This past weekend I met up with two BMX stunt rider friends, Sean Logan and Eric Hough. Despite everyones crazy schedules, I occasionally have the chance to meet up with them while they’re in town and practicing.
It had been a fairly slow week for me (mostly email and client follow-up after the holidays), so I hit up Sean to see when they were practicing next. Well Friday afternoon Sean called and said he was on his way to the jumps in Burbank – so I grabbed my gear and headed out.

Most of the afternoon shots typically are some variation of this… bright, sunny, hot out. Even though it was in the 60’s I was still out in a tank top because you get hot sitting around all the dirt in the direct sun. Above is Sean throwing some tricks for the camera while Eric films.

As the sun got lower in the sky I was able to get a bit more creative with the shots and color. While Sean is pretty happy with any image that is timed well, he’s always down for photography that looks great too… which you’ll see at the end of this post.

Eric, doing a Superman over jump three. And honestly, he’s fitting that description perfectly, haha! Leave to the BMX guys to make you feel out of shape, right? You guys want a good workout? Go ride a few hours a day… and that’s it. No need for pushups or anything else, haha!

Right at sundown Sean and I set up at a new location to try and take advantage of this wild looking tree and clouds and color we had. I have a few more images here of various tricks he threw until we got each one timed right.

Overall the day was hugely successful, got a number of great shots that I’m still sorting and going through. And let’s face it, when most people have to dread their Friday as something that they just want to end so they can start the weekend, I get the chance to chill with some friends and create some really awesome looking photos. What a life, huh?

Saturday and Sunday were both busy with shooting for me too. Here’s a little preview of those days and the next blog update to come this week….

Saturday I was out at the jumps again, this time with Cody McKenna. I’ll be sharing more of his crazy jumping ability with you guys. And no, that’s not a unicycle… it’s just the angle.

And Sunday I spent the afternoon doing rig-mounted remote shots with sport bikes. I had a great time with everyone for these too. Created some really awesome images.

Also, if you guys follow my Facebook fan page HERE then you can keep up to date with my work a bit easier – I post a lot more images there in the galleries, too!

Turn it up to Eleven! Goodbye 2010!

Where can you go from there? Eleven. Exactly!

With the new year kicking off I find myself in shock as I sit here and reflect on the last 12 months.
We all sit back at some point and wonder “where did the year go?”, but it took my friend Al to point out to me “John, you were never here.”

How very true.

My annual open-letter post is really the only time of the year that I share with everyone a little bit insight or details on my life. Ten months ago, in February, I lost a dear friend of mine. Juanita Lopez lost her battle with cancer at 26 years old. It was one of those moments for all of us that just left everyone in total shock. But what I’ve pointed out to many people since then, is that the moment Juanita found out her time was limited, she chose to live. She spent every moment she could enjoying all that life had to offer – from spending time with family, going out with friends, to marrying her best friend Robert.
If we all were to take any page from Juanita’s book, it should be that one. Realizing what’s truly important.

This is something I share because it had a profound impact on my year. From when January started, to that moment a month later, I had already traveled to Michigan and the Bay Area. I had the wonderful opportunity to shoot the Gerhardt wedding and spend time once again with the DeLand family (who I shot for last year, too).  I shot the Machallister wedding in San Jose, traveled to San Francisco with my car crew for a show that we took third overall in. And even had a few friends travel to Socal to visit me, too.

We all get so caught up in our lives and busy schedules that we put things off, or tell ourselves that “we’ll do it next time” and “next time” never comes.

I took a chance earlier this year by passing up a wonderful opportunity with a great company because I needed to take the risk of doing things on my own. To push myself and further new goals with my craft. This year I became primarily a wedding photographer. It was a wonderful chance to truly connect with my clients and those around me.

And without even realizing it, until I looked back and had try and pinpoint what defined my year, I had made sure to find and make every opportunity to visit or reconnect with old friends.
Sure, I didn’t get a chance to see absolutely everyone. But I sure managed to see a ton of people.

When I traveled to Michigan, how hard is it to wake up an hour earlier and have coffee with my old professor? When I flew to Vancouver, WA, what’s so difficult about extending the trip a few more days to see some old friends who were past clients? A three hour layover in Texas meant dinner with a friend in Dallas on my way home to California, from New York. On another trip to Michigan I wrapped a trip to Chicago around that weekend wedding to see an old friend there. And when I was booked to shoot a wedding in Florida, I made a short east-coast tour of it and visited friends in Baltimore and Boston – additional ticket cost was $150 more.. that’s it.

My point is that people don’t realize how easy it is to make time. I think that many people don’t try hard enough, or maybe they’re scared.

I could sit here and continue to write to everyone about what I accomplished in 2010. Believe me, they’re things I’m very proud of. My work was featured on and for Eryn Holl’s wedding. The K&N Filters calendar that I photographed was published for 2011 and is currently available to those interested. I flew all over the country to capture people’s wedding days because they wanted my work for their imagery and not someone local. Again, I have a lot of great things I can say about 2010.

But what was most important to me… was how many chances I got to spend with my friends and my family. From shooting my little sister’s engagement photos and months later being part of her wedding. To seeing all my old lifeguard and Disney friends in Florida that I worked with many years ago. We had a Nickelodeon and Paramount reunion dinner during one of my Bay Area trips. I spent more time visiting my family in San Diego. I extended every out of state trip I had to see local friends. I spent more time on the weekends out driving, riding, or going to the beach with my buddies here in Socal.

So I’ll end with saying Thank You to the person to had the biggest impact on my life this year…

Juanita. The stories I heard from you and Robert during all of 2009 inspired me to live a fuller 2010.

The wealth of our lives is not in how much we make, but the relationships we have with the people around us.

Here is to an amazing 2011.

Ringflash testing with Liz Sterling

This week has been packed with a lot of running around, shooting various things, and also testing some new gear. As I mentioned in my last post, I recently picked up a ringflash. It’s been a lot of fun to play with because it’s such a different way of shooting than I’m used to.
Last week my friend, promo model Liz Sterling, asked me to come do a few shots for testing. Really it was just her way of getting me to come by for dinner to catch up – shooting was just motivation for me to drive since I always looking for excuses to play with my cameras.
So how many of you are actually reading this and not just staring at the photos?

I love the color in this one, except right after Liz and I realized we forgot set up a fan for her hair. Blast! Next time… next time..

I did a few self portraits for fun, too. This was one I did to be a bit more gangster style. I joked that if I ever release my own rap album that THIS will be my album cover for my self titled release.

This shot was a bit of a homage to my friend, photographer David Esquire. He took a similar shot but had a fisheye lens to use. I only had a 16mm.

Lastly, and possibly most important, is my upcoming Christmas card!

I’ve been working on this all week. It’s going to feature me, my friend model/stylist Lauren Parsons, and my friend Anthony also!

So, check back next week as I’m making the last few edits on my card tomorrow and will be ordering copies to send out to people!

Keep at it. Move Forward. Push.

Occasionally something will happen in my career that leaves me sitting there a bit speechless.
We all have those moments – and let’s be honest, they’re not always good. Well, tonight was a great one.

Some of you that follow my work more closely through Facebook, Twitter, of you simply know me personally in real life, were aware that over the last four months I’ve been going through a lengthy application process for a pro-sports photographer position.
Well, the team decided that they’re going to hold off on hiring until next season. Not surprising given the huge amount that the team has been in the news the last three months. So, when they re-open, I will of course be in touch and applying once again – no doubt in my mind.

However, what I want to share with you guys is the following, because it truly made my month.

We had an overwhelming response to the posting and your work was among the best of the portfolios that we received.

To update you readers out there: I was selected from (apparently a ton of) candidates from across the nation that applied to the initial job listing for this photography position. Once selected from that pool, I was moved onto the next phase.

So tonight, as I read this letter that accompanied my portfolio (which I sent in per their request) I was overcome with a huge sense of calm, as well flattery. And I’ll admit, it was quite humbling too.

We find ourselves, from time to time, in positions where we start to wonder if we’re doing everything we need to be doing. Or if maybe we should be doing more.
December is a month that I typically slow down quite a bit. And, it’s not unheard of that during those times we ask ourselves if we’re pushing ourselves enough. So, I’m taking this opportunity to expand what I shoot and how I shoot it. I’m experimenting more and staying busy with my own projects through the holiday season since I’m slower work-wise.

To read this tonight, to see that the professional sports world considers me one of the best from a national pool of photographers out there, was huge.

So, Thank you.

To my readers, thank you too! I still will have a much longer Year in Review post at the end of the month. But this I had to share right now.

For those of you who are curious what I’m currently working on, click the break below to read on!

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Call of Duty: Black Ops shoot with Beau

Mother #$&%’in Black Ops!

You guys have no idea how excited I am to share this shoot with you all! About two months ago I got a phone call from Beau Peregino – he’s been on the east coast doing various acting work/etc (seriously, google him for the controversy about the political ads he was in, haha!).
Anyway, Beau sent me a photo of some Special Forces military gear he was given to use by a close friend of his (who is in the Special Forces). Beau said “next chance I have to get you to this coast, we have to do a shoot in this gear.”

Well, shortly after that conversation Activision released their press photos for Call of Duty: Black Ops. I immediately loved the imagery and knew that I would have to emulate the game cover with Beau and the gear that he had.
Two weeks ago I was traveling around Florida for work. So it wasn’t hard to make a few detours after my trip before returning to California.

I traveled up to Maryland to shoot with Beau. I was also able to see a few friends on my extended trip – which included continuing on to Boston.

Here’s a wide version, which I also like.

This crop isn’t as tight as the previous one, but still works and also allows some flexibility if I want to use this shot for other things.

This shoot was surprisingly simple. It was a two light setup – specifically a two speedlight setup, pretty sweet, huh? I worked with two versions of shots of Beau, and composited about 15 total layers for the image when it was complete. Most were smoke and masking layers. There is a lot more to this image that is masked out that I have to work with in case I need it.

Beau and I goofing off when we were starting. Our friend Hillary came to hang out during the shoot and watch, and she snapped the only behind the scenes shot of the night.

I’m currently back in California and catching up on work and edits. I also just ordered some new lighting gear and hopefully will be experimenting with that soon, too! Kassandra (you’ll remember her from the calendar I shot) has tentatively volunteered to test with me for fun once my new setup arrives. So hopefully I can line up her and another model or two for new images soon!

Rock on, Wingers! Well, a little, huh Sarah?

Rock on!
Haha! Sarah was told that she would have to love everything about Erik, including his love for KISS. She agreed.. a little.

Two weeks ago I was in St. Augustine, Florida to shoot the wedding of Sarah Fisher and Erik Winger. Sarah is actually an old friend that I’ve known a number of years. We met through mutual friends. I used to train lifeguards for the Disneyworld Water Parks in Florida, and she’s a performer for Disneyworld and Universal Studios. We’ve kept in touch over the years despite being across the country and she’s followed my work, too.

So, about a year ago when Erik proposed, Sarah contacted me to figure out what it was going to take to get me out to Florida to shoot for her.  This was a big deal for me too. It means so much to me when someone wants to fly me across the country to shoot – and I’ve been booked out of state quite a bit this year. Also, Sarah has been one of the first to comment on every wedding that I’ve shot and added to my Facebook page and point out that “you’re shooting my wedding in a few months!”

I arrived in Orlando a bit early and then traveled with Erik and Sarah to St. Augustine where the wedding would be. I know that Sarah mentioned she was concerned that Erik and I wouldn’t have a lot of time to get to know each other before the wedding the day. I personally feel it’s important that I have a chance to meet the bride and groom before the wedding day if possible so they can get to know me and I can get to know them. Erik and I ended up getting along great – to the point where our joking around and sarcasm was bugging Sarah. I’m pretty sure there was a moment or two she had to say “Hey you’re MY friend” when I was siding with Erik on something, haha. Love you both!

The entire weekend spent with them was great. Their ceremony was beautiful. And there was just so much love and adoration between the two of them that I was able to watch. Honestly, it was wonderful to see Sarah so incredibly happy after all the frustration that came with putting the wedding together.

As usual, I’ll caption a number of the shots below and save you guys from reading too much text here.

And yes, my signature shot I do with most of my clients in some form. We weren’t too sure about beach access for images, but I’ll touch on that a bit later.

Please, read on after the break! I have over 100 images to share with everyone. Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below, or contact me directly via email.

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Summer is back this November with Liz!

Do I have your attention?

This past Friday I went out to Huntington Beach with Liz to do some volleyball/beach shots that she wanted to shoot. I joked with my friends online that “I guessss I could tolerate a third beach day in a row and photograph a girl in a bikini…” Haha!
November and December tend to slow down for me work-wise. And, with California’s heat wave and 90-100 degree temperatures this week, I’ve been at the beach a lot relaxing.

But seriously, would anyone complain going to the beach on a Friday in November? No.

Liz, among other things, does promo modeling for companies, shows, conventions, etc. “Hi, you’re tall and gorgeous, can we pay you to come sell our products to people and all these big events?”… must be tough sometimes, don’t you think?
Anyway, Liz had a number of shots that she liked and wanted to try. So, we went through a lot of different ideas – all of them around the volleyball theme, though. So as I edited everything, I toned all of them very differently. One style of editing didn’t fit every style photo I shot that afternoon.

More photos after the break

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Roxy & Tom’s Beautiful Beach Wedding

Tom and Roxanne’s Monterey beach wedding was nothing short of beautiful – and amazingly, we almost didn’t have it on the sand. Can you believe that?!
I’ll get to that story in a few moments, but first, let me introduce you to the Schaffer’s. I met Tom and Roxanne through one of my oldest and dearest friends, Phil. Roxy is his younger sister. And, when her and Tom got engaged Phil told her that he would take care of photography and his wedding gift to her. So I was the gift, how cool is that?!
Apparently Roxanne had been a fan of my work for quite some time and would watch my website and check out new images that I would post up and things that I’ve shot. So, to hear how thrilled a bride was when hearing that I’d be shooting her wedding meant a lot.
The Schaffer wedding was in Monterey, California. I was actually just down the street from where I shot the King wedding a month or so beforehand. I wrapped a trip to the Bay Area around Tom and Roxy’s wedding, and then shortly after flew to New Jersey for another wedding – but that’ll be a different blog update.

Now when I say the beach wedding almost didn’t happen, here’s what I mean. About three hours before the ceremony the coordinator for the hotel came into the room to talk to Roxanne. The hotel explained that “there wasn’t enough beach” because the tide hadn’t gone down yet. They also pointed out that it was foggy.
This bothered me for two reasons: First, don’t freak out a bride THREE HOURS before the wedding ceremony with something you can’t be sure of. That’s just stupid, and it’s too far away to tell for sure. Second: Did I mention it was THREE HOURS til the ceremony? It’s 1pm in Monterey. The ceremony isn’t until 4:30pm. Don’t try and say there “isn’t enough beach” or “it’s too foggy” for a beach wedding – this client booked your venue BECAUSE she wants a beach wedding.
Imagine my frustration when I see a bride walk back into the room with a huge look of disappointment on her face. This venue just convinced her not to have her beach ceremony. My opinion? They didn’t want to move everything off the patio and down to the sand – they had a morning patio-wedding and everything was already set up.
Long story shorter… I talked to Roxanne for a bit, and finally asked “Do you want a beach wedding?” Silence. Of course she did. “Call (the hotel people) back. I’ll talk to them.” So, me and a bridesmaid or two when and spoke to the hotel, explained that we were doing it on the beach, and that they need to set up what they can because the bride wants a beach wedding.

I share this story with you guys for a few reasons. First, working in this business you start to see things occasionally that shouldn’t happen – like a venue changing plans last minute that seriously affect what the bride wants. Second, because whether you as a photographer, a guest, a relative, or any vendor sees something like this, then you may need to be that “jerk” that tells them they can’t do that. And most important, is that it’s the bride’s day. I personally believe it’s safe to say that a bride who wants a beach wedding will be happier having that wedding on the sand with her feet in the water if she has too more than moving it to a patio hours before the ceremony happens. What a bride wants (within reason), she gets… most of the time, it’s not nearly as hard as people think.

I know that story was a bit long, but, I wanted to share.
Keep that story in mind as you look at the photos and see what a gorgeous afternoon it turned out to be by the time the ceremony happened.
And, as usual, I’ll be leaving quite a few comments and captions with the photos below.


First though… Let’s meet the whole family :)
Tom and Roxane, then Reese, Taylor, Katie, Jordan, and Mateo.

Many more photos after the break.

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Chris(tine)’s Disneyland Engagement Shoot

Chris and Christine are former workmates of mine from years ago – actually we all worked at Disney together.
Well, years later here we are and the two of them are now engaged to be married next June! Chris contacted me a while back when a friend of his was getting married to talk to me about photography, then a few months later he got in touch with me again with the news that he and Christine were engaged!

Well the two of them decided they wanted to do their engagement shoot at Disneyland, how fun! Disney has a special meaning to the both of them, so what better place to do your photos than the Happiest Place on Earth?

Christine was amazing – though she’ll probably be quick to tell you she was nervous the whole time. I kept trying to mention in emails to Chris that “we’ll have a blast man, it’ll be great to see you two and catch up. Don’t worry, we’ll have fun and get plenty of shots.” Chris said that Christine was worried, and she also wanted to make sure she looked good in the photos. And Christine, you looked amazing. I’m pretty sure everyone will be able to see that in all these shots.

But here’s the best part, Christine had done tons of research on different engagement photos that had been done throughout the park by other photographers. She came with a few pages of images for ideas and both of them had a really good idea of what they wanted. They had already decided they needed enough images for a book they were putting together.

Well, we walked through the gates and got started! It was a pretty warm afternoon, which turned into a wonderfully warm night as we ran all over the park making sure to cover everything we could.

The first shot of the day was something that Christine had found online. The wishing well shot. Try posing your hands like that and make it look natural and comfortable. It took us a few tries, I’ll be honest. And it was great that so many park guests came up and congratulated them as we shot.

More images after the break below.

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