As I write this short update, I have been awake 22 hours… on a measly 3.5hrs of sleep… Today was the kickoff event for the 2009 Speed Ventures S2000 Challenge Series – which a few…
Browsing Category sports
FAME Industry Mixer
This past Monday was the FAME Industry Mixer in Downtown LA at Blue Velvet. It featured the artwork of artist and designer Jason Lee. I first met Jason back November, I was the head photographer…
HDR… took me about 10 minutes…
So I’m not really sure why I had trouble with HDR post processing before… But tonight I had some time to kill… Eh, who am I kidding, I’ve barely been sleeping. It’s currently 3:30am and…
A Rainy Track Day
I was told by one of my professors that take great photographs, but I needed to develop a style that carries through my portfolio. I believe that I’ve been developing that style over the last…
Women’s Basketball… and some models…
Last night I shot the CSU Fullerton vs. Santa Clara U. Women’s Basketball game… I’m not completely happy with the shots I came back with to be honest. I have some good moments like the…
A few sports shots added..
I’ve started to update my Sports section in my portfolio. I have a number of images that I need to add from my trip to Michigan. I’m also trying to get into some college games…
I <3 the beach
Yesterday after working on photos all morning I cruised over to the beach. I love that I live so close, not only is the drive fairly quick, but, if I choose, I can do a…
A little surf shooting
Yesterday I spent part of my afternoon at Malibu photographing surfers. I ended up having a great time. While sitting in the sand shooting I met a really cool surfer chic who ended up sitting…
Gotta love sports
HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND EVERYONE! I spent my Saturday rockin’ it out at the beach with Aaron and Ashley. We did a bit of surfing… well, let’s be honest, I did mostly falling. Haha, it’s been…
Sports Portfolio being updated!
I’ve updated my sports section in my portfolio this morning. I added about a dozen images from gymmastics and volleyball. At CMU I shot every gymnastics meet, and every volleyball competition. So, it would be…